Monday, February 25, 2008

Winter images of evergreen Teas

28 June 2007, view from front verandah, after 5 frosts. Roses in the foreground were planted September 2003.

early July 2007 the path leading to front verandah, this line of roses is a mix of Teas & Chinas, also planted September 2003.

early July 2007, in the foreground the rose sold as 'Princesse de Sagan' planted mid year 2004, to her immediate left in the same row, is a baby 'Triomphe de Luxembourg' planted mid year 2006. The rear of the photo shows part of the 'Tea Row' hedge, planted winter 2003.

Of course for people living in frost free districts, many of these roses will flower happily throughout winter, the rose on the left in the 'Tea Row' hedge, 'Papa Gontier' is a classic example, he was one of a number of Tea roses that was generous with his blooms in my previous garden at East Kurrajong, 2 hours north west of Sydney.

'Princesse de Sagan' again, 12 July 2007, wearing her morning frost coat lightly....

When you are nearly 5 months old, and enjoying your first winter, even frosty mulch warrants careful inspection....